“Sue Canyon
— Means Business”

Latest Articles:
The Significant Emotional Event
In an earlier article about reducing conflict in the workplace, I introduced you to a concept developed by Dr. Morris Massey in his study of the interactions between people in the workplace. Another of his concepts that I find extremely useful for getting employees to...
How Much is Your Time Worth?
Americans are famous for having something called “the pioneering spirit”. We take a great deal of pleasure in inventing things. And that’s a good thing, even though most of us are not Eli Whitney … or Thomas Edison. Still, a lot of us seem to get a great deal of...
Project Management vs. ERP: The Right Software for the Right Application
I’ve recently been asked to help two clients with their project management software. One client is a land developer, and the other runs a manufacturing shop. These two applications are completely different in their information delivery requirements to management. To...
The One Business Question You Struggle With
I often find myself in a public setting in the company of an unfamiliar business owner. Whenever I get these opportunities, I ask, “What is the one business question you struggle with the most?” I recently had the pleasure of sitting on a flight for two hours next to...
Tools for Small Businesses to Avoid Bankruptcy
In spite of soaring bankruptcies, the power to avoid them is readily available“Bankruptcy filings spiked this year, and most small businesses aren’t doing well.” Sue Canyon points to a grim reality but insists, “It doesn’t have to be this way.” Canyon’s experience, as...
Valuable Business Insights from ‘Moneyball’
You may be asking yourself how I might be different from all the other business “fixers" out there. That’s a very good question. One of my favorite movies is “Moneyball”. It’s about a geeky Yale graduate in economics who reads a paper by Bill James, a guy who had no...
Waging War on Bankruptcy
Sue Canyon arms small businesses for prosperity For 30 years Sue Canyon has waged war on the bane of small business — bankruptcy. Working with entrepreneurs on the front lines of enterprise, Sue has armed a great many small business owners with the ammunition needed...
What is Scale?
If you work alone and sell your time, there are only so many hours available to be sold, and every hour you sell has to carry the entire load of your overhead.
Are You Getting the Training You Need?
I am so disappointed in the “training” that I find offered to small business owners all over the country. This training is hard for me to watch because it is so poor that most of it literally makes me ill. Much of the “training” that I have seen offers touchy-feely...
Are You Being Deceived Into Contributing to Your own Demise?
The Fed Chairman has been raising interest rates on a regular basis, believing that doing so will bring down inflation to a target level of 2%. But as economic statistics come in, they are not making any sense. Inflation should occur for two basic reasons: scarcity of...
My Favorite Quotes
My favorite W. Edwards Deming quotes: “Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it does.” “Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.” “Learning is not compulsory… neither is survival.” “If you can’t describe what you are doing as a...
How to Reduce Conflict in the Workplace
One of the most difficult aspects of business management today is How to Reduce Conflict in the Workplace. Sociologists study how people behave with one another, and one of the best business sociologists I’ve found is Dr. Morris Massey. Before he retired, his goal was...
Thanks for checking out my articles offering deep business insights based on a unique, systemic approach to small business management. I provide training drawn from 30 years of business repair experience, and I enjoy helping you brave entrepreneurs succeed.