“Sue Canyon
— Means Business”

Latest Articles:
Should I Stray From my Niche?
Should I stray from my niche? So, you’ve saturated the market with your best product, or someone has talked you into another product that will ‘sell like hotcakes’, or you’ve just gotten bored and think a new approach will breathe new life into your business. As I...
Define Your Niche and Work at It
You’ve heard the adage, “Define Your Niche, and Work at It”? As businesses grow, I’ve noticed a clear tendency to stray from this strategy. While there are many legitimate reasons to do so, be careful that you don’t dynamite your cash flow as a result. I have a client...
The State of This Economy as I See It
The State of This Economy is confusing. The market’s still going up, savings rates are high, unemployment (those who are looking for work) is at the (new) normal level, while 4.5 million people voluntarily left their jobs …. What’s going on? It occurred to me this...
Without a Partnership Agreement Your Business Has Slim Chance
One of my long-time clients sold one of his businesses to two gentlemen: one, a family member who was to run the operations side, and the other, a fellow who was very capable of running the office side. Yet, even though I insisted that these two guys work out a...
How to Choose Your Perfect Assistant
Your company is growing. You have entirely too much work, and you need your perfect assistant to take the excess workload. Now, if you could only find someone exactly like yourself to fill the position, then everything would be ducky... or not...? There is a natural...
How to Benefit From Leveraging Time – Your Time
There's been a lot of talk lately about leverage. Most business owners think of leverage as borrowed money. But the new definition is closer to leveraging time ... your time. Leverage, as it relates to time rather than money, is not a new concept. Back in the late...
Increase Your Revenue and Cash Through Alternative Financing
Many of the clients that I have seen in the last few years have used one or the other of two strategies that work to increase your revenue and cash flow through alternative financing. I've seen third party financing and flooring, but rarely have I seen both used in...
You Deserve to Get Paid! Don’t You?
Well, you do, don’t you? I can’t tell you how many of my clients don’t take a paycheck from their small business until we talk.
The Three Most Common Small Business Strategies that Fail
In the 40 years that I’ve been helping struggling small business owners overcome their obstacles, I have seen the use of three predominant business strategies that fail, serving only to bring the state of small business to its worst possible condition. Go for Broke,...
Thanks for checking out my articles offering deep business insights based on a unique, systemic approach to small business management. I provide training drawn from 30 years of business repair experience, and I enjoy helping you brave entrepreneurs succeed.